What to Expect From a Modern Commercial Log Splitter

Many families and businesses around the county rely on wood for heat. Large residential and commercial wood furnaces can burn through a lot more wood than some people would expect. When preparing for winter, anyone who owns a wood-fired furnace needs to have a lot of firewood at their disposal.

Some companies do offer pre-cut firewood that should be the right size for the average wood furnace, but this is rarely the cheapest way to get a large volume of firewood. Instead, many people choose to cut their own firewood.

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The traditional way to do this is exhausting and time consuming, so instead, people take tips from commercial firewood processing companies and use tools like a commercial log splitter.

In the video on this page, one such log splitter is seen in action. It moves slowly, but with a great amount of force. This is a safety feature. The log splitter in the video can process a large volume of logs into firewood with only very little effort on the part of the operator. All he has to do in the video is place logs in the right spot on the machine. The machine does the rest of the work for him and builds up a pile of firewood in a short amount of time.

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