A server is a part of a computer infrastructure. The infrastructure is made up of servers, networks, and client computers. This video explains what a server is and the different types of servers.
Servers provide services like resource sharing, data sharing among multiple clients, or performing computation. A server can be dedicated to one of these services. For instance, one server can be a web host, one can be a data storage server, and one can be an email host.
Most small organizations will need to run multiple services on one server. In this instance, one server handles the web, data, and email.
Overall, servers allow you to control, distribute, and provide security for information. There are both physical and virtual servers. Physical servers use CPU and Ram. Virtual servers use a hypervisor to divide the physical into two or more virtual servers that are each handling a different task.
Servers run 24/7 and a failing server can jeopardize an entire business. They are made of high-quality materials and kept in climate-controlled rooms to keep them running efficiently. Technicians provide routine inspections and maintenance to keep them running. For more information on servers, click on the link to the video above.