What to Know About Adoption

In this video, the adoption attorney Denise Seidelman spoke to CBS2’s Cindy Hsu, who adopted her daughter, Rosie, 15 years ago.
Agency adoptions occur when a state-licensed agency counsels you on your pregnancy choices. It’s critical to deal with an independent organization that will respect you while you investigate all of your alternatives and pick which one feels best for you.

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If you choose adoption, you will be able to select from a pool of highly-screened families. The agency will help you and the family establish a bond. The service also assists you in making hospital arrangements for the delivery and provides legal advice. Some organizations offer continuous therapy and relationship support over time.
Independent adoptions are handled by attorneys. These attorneys are commonly referred to as ‘adoption attorneys.’ It is preferable if the biological parent(s) retain their own attorney to defend their best interests. If you decide on independent adoption, you can seek counseling and advice from a local adoption agency.
Adoption by a relative occurs when a kid is adopted by a member of the biological parent’s family. This is sometimes referred to as ‘kinship adoption.’ To organize the adoption, you and your relative(s) can engage with an adoption agency, a lawyer, or your state’s department of human services.
To find out more informative content, keep on watching the videos.

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