Maintaining your commercial property isn’t a job for the faint-hearted. It requires you to assess all aspects of your building to develop ways to preserve and enhance its long-term value. As much as you may enjoy the independence of being your own boss, you’ll need to consult with other companies throughout the journey. Some things will be outside your skill set, or you may not have the time to spare. Here are some of the commercial services to hire for your property.
1. Garage Door Company
People pay more attention to residential garage doors than commercial ones. This can be attributed to the fact that replacing a commercial garage door brings about delays and interruptions that may affect the overall business. Therefore, a commercial garage door replacement service may not be on top of your list of commercial services to hire to increase the value of your commercial building. However, don’t take your garage door for granted. It can add great value to your business in several ways.
One notable benefit of ensuring you have quality garage doors is that they help enhance building security. Your garage door is among your main lines of defense against unauthorized persons. They can be fitted with the latest security technologies, which detect motion and alert you when someone tries to break in. You can’t risk hiring an unqualified contractor when choosing a contractor to install your commercial garage door. Therefore, you should review several company websites or ask friends and family for recommendations.
2. Landscaping Company
First impressions matter. People first see your landscape as they enter your commercial property. So, what do you want people to think about your landscape? Compare a well-maintained landscape to one that looks unkempt; which of the two is likely to attract tenants?
A well-maintained landscape will not only attract more tenants to your commercial building, but it’ll also help to increase the value of your property. If you decide to sell your commercial property, this will give you better bargaining power, and you may get a better deal than your initial buying cost. Therefore, hiring a landscape contractor should be one of the commercial services to hire in your business.
The state of your landscape communicates a lot to your employees, tenants, clients, and any other person who visits your property. Therefore, you should enhance it to create a positive and lasting impression. If the grass around the building is overgrown, consider hiring a commercial lawn maintenance service to get it under control. In addition, you can incorporate hardscaping for a more functional design.
3. Roofing Company
A roof is one of the most important parts of a commercial building. It not only helps to protect the business but also helps to protect the overall structure of a building. Overexposure to different weather elements can weaken a commercial roof. Therefore, you must hire a commercial roofing company for routine maintenance and repair at least twice a year. This will help to ensure you get the most out of your roof and protect the overall value of your commercial building.
According to John Clark, a commercial roof can optimally service you for 20 to 30 years with proper installation and maintenance. If the roof on your commercial building has existed for more than 30 years, your best bet is to include a roof replacement among the commercial services to hire. However, choosing the right roof for your building is not a walk in the park. It will require you to get professional help from a qualified roofing contractor.
The different commercial roofing materials include metal roofs, green roofs, pray on silicon, shingles, and built-up roofing. Each roofing material has pros and cons. Examining them to determine which roof best suits your building is best. Cost is another factor that contributes greatly to your choice of roofing material. However, don’t let it make you compromise on durability and efficiency as you try to save a few coins.
4. Paving Company
Paving is another key service in your list of commercial services to hire. It helps to improve the curb appeal, increase the property’s value, and create a safe environment for clients, tenants, and employees. The different materials used in paving include concrete, bricks, asphalt, and many more. The amount you spend hiring a commercial paving service will depend on your budget, the specific material you use, and the surface size. However, according to Forbes, the average cost of paving a driveway is about $3 to $15 per square foot.
Paving will also help to protect the surfaces within your commercial building against natural elements. For instance, when it rains or gets too hot in an unpaved environment, the place will likely get muddy or dusty. Consequently, the mud will get into the building when people walk, or the wind blows dust particles into the building. Maintaining cleanliness will be nearly impossible regardless of the number of times you clean such an environment.
5. Cleaning Company
Although hiring a commercial cleaning service may not appear as a priority for most business owners, it is one of the most important commercial services to hire as it helps to create a safe environment but also helps to improve the overall appearance of the business. Imagine entering a commercial building with a lobby that meets you with stained carpets and overflowing garbage cans. Would you proceed to get a service from such a business? Most likely not, and if you do, there is a high chance you will not return. Therefore, ensuring a clean environment is vital for the business’s success.
As tempting as it is to avoid incurring the cost of hiring a commercial cleaner by tasking your employees with cleaning duties, they lack the equipment and skills needed to effectively clean a space. Professional cleaners do a lot more than empty garbage cans and mop floors. They have the right tools and skills to deep clean a space and leave it spotlessly clean.
6. Door Company
As technology continues to evolve, so have commercial doors. Previously, commercial doors were just residential doors installed on commercial buildings. However, today, they’re distinctively different from their counterparts as they differ in size, the materials used, security features, and safety regulations.
A door is an integral part of a commercial building. It not only helps to enhance the overall appearance of a building but will also help to protect inventory, tenants, and all other occupants. It’s, therefore, essential to have commercial door installation as one of the commercial services to hire in your business.
When maintained properly, commercial doors help improve the value of commercial buildings, improving your chances of getting a good deal during a resale. Depending on your business, there are different types of doors. These include wooden, steel, glass, and overhead doors. It is important to hire a qualified contractor when installing commercial doors to ensure the right types of doors are installed in the different areas within your commercial building.
7. Generator Company
According to Andrew Blok, blackouts have become more frequent recently. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to prevent a blackout from occurring. The best thing to do for your commercial building is to ensure you are prepared for when the blackout occurs by hiring a generator installation service from a local company. Installing a generator is one of the important commercial services to hire as it helps ensure normalcy when the regular power supply is disrupted due to natural calamities.
According to Price It Here, commercial generators are quite an investment. In fact, as of 2022, the average price for commercial generators varied between $8,000 and $12,999. How much you spend on your commercial generator will depend on the voltage, watts, efficiency, service plan, and warranty. Although the cost of installing a commercial generator is high, the business benefits greatly in the long run.
One notable benefit of having a commercial generator is that it enhances productivity. For example, employees in a commercial building with a generator will continue to work uninterrupted regardless of whether the regular power supply is disrupted. In addition, a commercial generator will help to attract more tenants and raise the value of your commercial building if you need to sell your business in the future.
8. Epoxy Floor Coating Company
When designing your commercial building, it is important to consider the type of floor you would like to install in your building. Therefore, hiring a flooring contractor should be one of the crucial commercial services to hire. Depending on the specific type of business you run and your desired layout, there are different floors to choose from.
If, for example, you run a business that can potentially attract high traffic, your ideal option would be to install commercial epoxy floor coatings throughout the building. Epoxy is a durable flooring material that is easy to maintain since it is easy to clean. Installing an epoxy floor may seem like an unnecessary upgrade. However, these floors have extensive benefits that help ensure safety within the business and increase the value of the entire building.
According to IBISWorld, there are 1,216,525 floor-installing businesses. So, choosing the right contractor for your commercial building can be challenging. However, you can ask different contractors to show you previous projects they have worked on and get different quotations to ensure you get a qualified contractor within your budget.
9. Waterproofing Company
Commercial waterproofing is an important service to hire in commercial buildings, especially those in particularly wet and humid areas. This service will help you avoid health risks through moisture build-up, minimize expenses that may arise when hiring water damage restoration services, and protect the overall value of a building. If you haven’t waterproofed your commercial building, water will likely make its way into the building and result in expensive damages.
Therefore, to avoid unwarranted expenses when running your business, adding waterproofing to your list of commercial services to hire is important. You can use different materials to waterproof your commercial building, each specific to different areas. Therefore, hiring a qualified contractor is best to avoid further damage from installing the wrong waterproofing materials. Although waterproofing costs are relatively high, it pays off in the long run as it helps you avoid costly repairs that may be otherwise needed. In addition to protecting the structure of your commercial building, waterproofing will help increase its resale value and protect the inventory and personal belongings of your employees and tenants.
10. HVAC Company
An HVAC system is one of the most critical components of a commercial building. It helps ensure ventilation, free flow of air, and overall thermal comfort for your tenants, staff, and all other visitors. Working with commercial HVAC companies for routine maintenance services is important in ensuring a comfortable environment. It also helps improve health by providing a consistent supply of clean air. According to HannaBery, you should schedule routine maintenance with professional HVAC services at least once every year, regardless of the HVAC type in your commercial building.
According to Luminita Toma, the amount you spend on a routine HVAC maintenance check will range between $85 to $170 per hour. This amount will vary depending on the type of HVAC system you have, the extent of repairs needed, if any, and how often you need servicing. It is important to note that should you require emergency HVAC maintenance service, the price goes higher and averages $160 to $250 per hour.
In case you want to boost the value of your commercial building for resale, you need to assess the condition of your HVAC to determine if you need to repair or replace it. According to Oliver, if your commercial HVAC system is between 15 and 20 years old, it may be time to replace it. Typically, most HAAC systems are due for an upgrade around this time.
Your commercial building is an asset that generates income. As such, it requires tender loving and care beyond ensuring the building is cleaned and well-maintained. You will need to onboard qualified professionals to ensure your building complies with the laws of the land. You may also have to upgrade or replace some of your equipment to ensure you generate maximum profit and increase the overall value of the building.