As a commercial property owner, you must always make your property presentable. Focusing your attention on the businesses, clients, and future residents will retain the value of your property. As such, commercial property maintenance services are critical. You must establish a good relationship with various professionals to help you maintain the property regularly. Here are 10 commercial services to hire for your commercial property maintenance.
Cleaning Company
When you decide to purchase or build a commercial property, know that cleanliness will give a good impression to your potential clients. That said, cleaning is the first of many commercial services to hire before advertising the property for rent. A clean environment will send a positive message to your tenants, and they’ll know you care about them.
Set terms in your agreement before renting out a space to your tenants. The agreement should state which areas the tenants should be responsible for cleaning. This will reduce the conflicts and save you money when hiring commercial cleaning services. Normally, a commercial property owner is responsible for cleaning the most common areas in the building. For example, the staircases or the elevators.
The most common areas carry a lot of dust and germs because many people who visit the property access them. For instance, people will press the elevator buttons whenever they want to move to different building areas. As such, making plans to clean them will reduce the health risks and retain the property’s reputation. Additionally, the staircases should be clean and dry to avoid potential falls.
The level and professionalism you need may be determined by the type of tenants you have. For instance, if you’re renting out space to a Medical Facility, the area will require commercial janitorial service because of the unique cleaning approach required in such facilities. In this instance, lay clear terms on who should be responsible for hiring the janitors.
The exterior environment cleaning is generally the property owner’s responsibility. According to EarthWorks, trees always shed 10% to 15% of their leaves. And during autumn, they shed more leaves that can make the environment messy. So, schedule leaves blowing if you have landscaping on the property.
National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service reports that massive dust is blown across the tropical North Atlantic Ocean. The dust moves thousands of miles, reaching areas like the Caribbean, Amazon River Basin, Florida, and the U.S. Gulf Coast. Combined with the dust and debris from the neighborhood, it can make your property extremely dusty. Budget and partner with professional cleaners to offer you regular services in the building’s interior and exterior.
Parking Lot Company
A commercial property must have a parking lot because businesses will receive clients regularly. As such, your commercial property driveway and parking lot will experience high traffic. Heavy trucks delivering goods and high traffic easily damage commercial parking lots. But there are several other causes of damage you’ll be surprised to know.
According to Superior Aggregates, Inc., dirt, debris, and engine oil contribute to the wearing of the parking lots. Dirt and debris hinder drainage, therefore leading to the development of tiny water ponds on the surface. With time, the surface weakens and allows water to seep in, which later forms huge potholes and cracks. Engine oil leaks also leave ugly stains on the parking lot.
Find commercial parking lot paving services to do regular sealing. Whenever you notice the cracks, inform the company to seal them before debris settles. According to Superior Aggregate, weed growing on the cracks can lead to further damage as the roots grow downwards. Besides pavement sealing, schedule regular cleaning of the parking lot and the driveway.
Asphalt and bitumen are the most reliable parking lot materials because they are hardy. Hardy material will withstand the truck’s weight when they deliver goods. So, if you rent out your spaces to wholesale stores, find commercial services to hire and construct reliable parking.
HVAC Company
HVAC repair and maintenance are the third commercial services to hire if you’re a commercial property owner. HVAC is essential for business comfort and productivity. For instance, if renting out a space to a barber, salon, or massage business, the interior space must be comfortable. Each space must have an HVAC system regulating temperatures according to the tenant’s settings.
Commercial building HVAC systems need much maintenance because they work daily to keep people comfortable. The air experiences much pollution, and the HVAC overworks to keep it clean. Experts advise homeowners to maintain an HVAC at least once a year. But for commercial HVAC, schedule at least monthly maintenance.
Commercial HVAC companies will help you regularly repair and maintain the units. Some of the maintenance practices you must budget for are changing air filters, refrigerant levels change and recharge, indoor system cleaning, and control system testing. If you hire a professional company to install the units, you’ll enjoy the warranty benefits for the years you’ve agreed.
Epoxy Floor Coatings
Commercial floors are normally prone to damage because of the heavy weight and high traffic experienced in the area. As such, choose the most affordable and reliable flooring before finding commercial services to hire. Epoxy flooring is an excellent choice for industrial and residential buildings. Epoxy offers high performance, which will withstand the traffic and weight on your commercial property.
Professionals will do commercial epoxy floor coatings well because it requires a high level of skills to mix the resin and the hardening chemicals for better results. A well-coated floor will be appealing, highly durable, and damage-resistant. Since the epoxy can last longer, look for cheaper commercial services to hire for surface maintenance.
One preventative maintenance you can do cheaply is sweeping the floor daily. You can do this on the most common areas like the staircases and corridors and leave the interior cleaning responsibility to the tenants. Besides sweeping, clean the floor with detergent weekly to retain its smoothness. Clean the spills and repair the scratches immediately to prevent further damage on the surface.
Garage Door Company
If you’re investing in a residential apartment, garage doors are the commercial services to hire before the apartments are occupied. According to a 2021 report by the American Housing Survey, two-thirds of US-occupied housing units have a carport or garage. Electric vehicles have become common, so tenants would want to charge their electric cars overnight. Most of the apartments are now equipped with garages and car charging ports.
Another reason you should opt for commercial garage doors is weather protection. Most tenants avoid scraping the car every winter morning because it’s time-consuming. A garage also offers security because criminals must work hard to break the garage door. Garages also offer privacy, especially when you want to rest or read in the car.
Most tenants want the garage because it offers additional storage space. That aside, hire professionals to maintain the garage doors because the electrical and mechanical systems need regular maintenance. Modern garage doors are digitized, so they need electrical system maintenance and greasing of the mechanical parts for easy closing and opening.
Remodeling Company
As a commercial property owner, prepare to find remodeling commercial services to hire every decade. As the building ages, technology advances on the other end. So, you’d want to remodel your building to optimize its systems and strengthen its structural integrity. It retains the clients because businesses can transform their spaces easily without relocating.
Commercial remodeling service may include waterproofing the building walls to prevent water from seeping. Other services include insulating the roof, upgrading the flooring, upgrading the HVAC system, changing the electrical wiring, and replacing the plumbing fixtures. And once the remodeling project is completed, the building’s value will increase, and tenants will also benefit.
According to Invoice Owl’s experts, remodeling a commercial building can range from $70 to over $1,000 per square foot. As such, remodeling is a huge project requiring a higher budget. Large remodeling projects also take longer and can affect businesses. When hiring a remodeling company, choose one with brilliant measures to ensure clients’ businesses are not much affected.
Roofing Company
A commercial building’s roof plays a vital role in the success of the businesses. A roof contributes much to the building’s curb appeal, inviting more customers to the area. Secondly, a quality roof adds a layer of protection to the building because it can withstand harsh weather. So, once your property roofing has seen its better days, you’d want to find reliable commercial services to hire for upgrades.
A high-quality roof also protects the building from extreme heat or cold. During winter, it will prevent heat loss, thus saving the HVAC system from overworking. During summer, it prevents excessive heat from the sun, and the HVAC system cools the building easily. A high-quality roof will save the tenants from high energy bills.
When hiring roofers, you should consider professionalism because your property is a valuable investment. A warranty is critical when dealing with a roofer because it will save much money on repairs. After all, the company will repair damages for free. Although roofing projects aren’t regular, partner with a commercial roofing company for inspection and minor repair services.
Pest Control Company
Businesses will dispose of the organic materials, and pests will come to feed on them. Most US garbage companies have specific days for picking the garbage. So, you’ll have the trash bins around the property to hold the waste before it’s dumped.
Rats, cockroaches, birds, and other insects are prevalent in areas with garbage. Some pests, like birds, can poop around and make the area dirty, while others, like rats, can damage clients’ properties. Once you have decided to invest in a commercial property, look for a commercial pest control service to help reduce their population regularly.
Sometimes, you may need an exterminator to conduct various property inspections. Exterminators can help you identify the hiding areas of the pests and the seasons they mostly appear. Additionally, these professionals know the most effective control methods that won’t affect your tenants.
Glass Company
Glass is known for its beauty, the reason many commercial property owners use it in the buildings. Many tenants will consider a building with glass because it’s an added advantage to their businesses. Glass attracts clients and allows much light. So, find commercial services to hire for glass installation, and you’ll be less worried about the energy bills.
According to Raben Glass professionals, glass increases employee productivity. The modern look it creates impacts human behavior. Glass offers transparency or privacy, especially in barber or salon businesses where clients will be comfortable seeing the outdoors. Glass also helps partition the space easily and cheaply.
However, glass comes with many responsibilities because it needs maintenance. Commercial glass companies offer cleaning, tinting for privacy, repairs, and replacements. So, have professionals around to offer cleaning services because, unlike in the concrete, dust on the glass is highly visible and can reduce the curb appeal.
Plumbing Company
Plumbing is essential in a commercial building because tenants and customers need clean water. Additionally, they need washrooms. However, commercial building plumbing suffers much because of public use, so set a good budget for its maintenance. After installation of the new plumbing system during construction, partner with a plumbing and septic company for regular maintenance.
Inspect metallic pipes regularly because they wear fast, especially when using hard water in the building. Additionally, inspect the septic system regularly because, unlike the home’s septic tank, the commercial property’s septic tank should be emptied regularly. This is one of the best health practices around the building because leaking sewer systems can cause health problems.
Real estate is a highly competitive field. Clients have various options at all times, so you must keep your commercial property looking great all year long. The first step to achieving this success is knowing which commercial services to hire for regular maintenance. Secondly, know your property value and set the rents because you’ll budget for maintenance and emergency repairs out of it.