What are the Best Minecraft Seeds?

Having a dedicated server to Minecraft is a great investment for any avid gamer, allowing for massively multiplayer online sessions. The game is twice as fun when you can play with others, but solo play is just as immersive, allowing for endless creation and playable possibilities. One of the most popular attributes of Minecraft is its randomly-generated worlds, which can vary drastically from one spawn to the next.

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Minecraft has also enabled items called seeds in which you can skew the outcome of your world generation by planting them. In this video, we will look at some of the universally favored seeds in Minecraft.

Seeds are named by their numbers, each having 10 number codes to distinguish them from other seeds. Each of these have an entirely different world, and this creator explored several of them. The first one this YouTuber recommends in 599282705, which is decked out in a huge pool surrounded by massive mountain chasms. It also has an underground cave system with moss and beautiful water effects. The next one is 1889279058, which has gorgeous snow-covered trees spanning for mile and miles in the map. There are also gigantic icy mountains as well.


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