How Roofing Contractors Get Licensed

Becoming a licensed roofing contractor is a great way to get ahead in the roofing industry. Many people won’t hire an unlicensed roofer, and for good reason. Licensed roofers must qualify for their licenses through education, experience, and testing. If you want to earn your C39 roofing contractor license, you’ll need to follow the steps laid out in the video posted below.

First, you’ll need to have some roofing experience.

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You can gain this experience by working under other roofing contractors. You should have experience working on roofs of many different slopes.

Once you have experience, you will need to go to a contractor school or an online preparatory school for roof licensing. This education step is relatively inexpensive compared to other types of higher education.

Once you have passed your courses, you will need to apply for and pass the licensing exam. There are many resources out there to help you with the exam, but as long as you have both the education and experience mentioned above, you should be able to pass the exam without too much trouble.

If you have any more questions about becoming a licensed roofer, reaching out to a contractor school can help.

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