When power outages occur, most homeowners are able to get by without power for a few hours or even days. Businesses don’t typically have that luxury, especially industrial facilities. To ensure they can keep running for as long as is necessary, many businesses rely on diesel industrial generators. These machines work like diesel engines, but instead of powering vehicles, they create electricity to power a building.
The video posted here gives a great visual and descriptive guide to how diesel industrial generators work. Much like car engines, diesel generators use a piston and crankshaft system to generate energy through controlled combustion. The combustion in each cylinder helps to turn the crankshaft, which then transmits the generated energy into an alternator. The alternator converts the mechanical power of the engine into electricity via magnetic induction.
The electricity can then be stored in batteries or immediately used by any electronic devices that need it. Typically industrial generators are triggered to start immediately during power outages, so businesses may feel a power flicker but not a total power failure. As long as they have enough fuel to run the generator, these businesses can stay operational indefinitely, even during an extended power outage.