Health Care Plans

In this video, you will learn about individual health care insurance plan. When you are under 65, most people decided to go one of two ways when it comes to buying an individual plan. The first option is getting a qualified health plan.

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THis is what most people think of when they think of health care. It follows the affordable health care act. It covers all of your preventative care at no cost to you per the affordable care act guideline. Vision and dental are eligible for tax credit savings if you can qualify with your income. There is no medical underwriting. The rates might be a little higher. These are typically HMO types of plans. With an HMO plan, you have no coverage out of the plan’s network. You can only use networks that take your plan. You must establish a primary care physician when you want to go see physicians. The network is typically limited to your region. With an EPO plan, you do not need a specialist. New legislation has made it so that you can purchase outside plans. These are becoming more popular. If you are interested in learning more, keep watching this video for more information.

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