How to Make Your Office Space More Productive

Nowadays, a lot of people are doing their work remotely, which is why office space may not be as important as it used to be. However, in some cases, office space is necessary for people to be able to do their jobs. For example, if they have jobs where they interact with customers on a regular basis, they do need to have the right office space in order to interact with these customers. Not everything for every job can be done online, which is why it is important to rent out the right space that will be appealing to both employees and clients or customers.

If you are interested in finding coworking spaces, you might want to look for a business space available in your area. Most likely, there are many business spots for rent that you can browse. Budget is often a consideration in these situations, which is why you make specifically want to look for a cheap commercial space for rent or a cheap coworking space. Of course, you want to make sure that you are able to afford the space that you are renting so that you are able to continue doing your work and being productive on a regular basis.

Do you have an office at home? Whether it’s your only office, a complement to the one you have in another location, or simply a place where you run home administration and use your PC, it’s important that it’s a place to help you be more productive. It should be a place where you feel comfortable doing your job as well as possible. If your current office doesn’t meet these conditions and if you have to make your way through a pile of papers, below are several tips to answer the question of how to make your office space more productive.


Cleanliness is suitable for whatever room or space you are in, not just the office. When the environment is clean and clear, so is your mind. A clear mind is ready to be creative and this answers the question of how to make your office space more productive. Every time you finish a large project, the office might be a mess of papers everywhere. However, the next day, you should dedicate some time to put things in order such as throwing away papers, filing things, and even cleaning the PC by ordering the files you generated, deleting intermediate versions, and making a backup on another disk. There is nothing less productive and disconcerting than starting to work with a desk full of things you don’t need.


Think about the elements of your office that you use to carry out your activity regularly. If you have a TV in the office, but you watch it more than you work, it’s time for you to get it out of there. Your children’s toys shouldn’t be in your office. When you start to use the space for other activities than planned, in the end, those activities rob you of all your time. Take an inventory of your home office. What things do you use continuously? How many things have been in the same place for weeks, months, maybe years? Before moving on to the next step, you should consider keeping everything in order. Decide what office supplies you need, the rest you can use in another room in the house, give away, or sell.


Now that you have implemented the previous steps, it’s time to organize the space that is left free. The best way to stay organized is to split up your office space into sections or zones. For storage, put all the items into boxes, label them and store them in a closet. These include office supplies that you use infrequently. You should only have office supplies on your desk that you use frequently such as a computer or laptop, tape, stapler, pens, pencils, and a phone. Put stuff you don’t use in a desk drawer to prevent clutter. Make sure you have shelves to organize paperwork, books, and magazines. If you don’t have a shelf, but a file cabinet, use the drawers to organize and group paperwork, magazines, books, and other items.

Work Flow

Many of the companies that have opted for the alternative of answering the question how to make your office space more productive by giving certain employees the opportunity to work from home. This gives these employees control over their personal workflow and leaves it up to them to guarantee that everything is in order. Performing a daily task log or control through applications is ideal for keeping your employer calm that all your daily tasks are being carried out normally and responsibly. Good communication with your co-workers is important for solving challenges on a day-to-day basis. Hold at least 1 weekly team meeting via phone or video call and frequent conversations to support each other and get ahead.

The Lighting

If your office is dark, you should consider better lighting. Open windows, if possible. Analyze the type of window you now have. Not all windows provide sufficient lighting that will brighten up your space. When you can see clearly while sitting in your office, you are more likely to stay in that space. If the windows overlook a quiet and peaceful exterior such as a garden, so much the better; otherwise you can add prints and works of art to your environment. It provides calm and peace. In addition, make sure there is good ventilation and monitor the temperature. If it’s too hot or too cold, you’ll soon feel like leaving your office. Your table should be located as close as possible to a natural source of light. The ideal is to place it near the window and if this isn’t possible, use good light distribution. Poor lighting in enclosed spaces not only affects the office environment but is the main enemy of workers sitting in front of monitors.

If you want to answer the question of how to make your office space more productive, you should know that it’s essential that you have good lighting in your workplace, because, otherwise, it will cost you more effort to focus on your work. It may seem like a small thing, but in reality, well-lit spaces have been shown to greatly contribute to productivity. If possible use natural light. An office with large windows or commercial steel windows, where light enters, will help you to be much more comfortable at work.


Scents can also help increase productivity, using essential oils on the desk or scented candles can help us feel better. For example, the smell of lemon helps concentration. Lavender helps relaxation and jasmine produce a feeling of optimism and energy. The scent of cinnamon is the solution against mental fatigue and helps concentration.


You answer the questions of how to make your office space more productive by taking breaks. If you love gardening for example and need to do another bark dust installations, take a trip to the store over the weekend and then after taking an hour break from your home office, step out into your garden to regroup.


Another important element is color avoid using too bright colors as they tire your eyes and cause more fatigue. Colors are also essential in answering the question of how to make your office space more productive, as they have a direct impact on your mood. A lack of visual stimulation dulls the senses and contributes to poor concentration. Depending on the color used, you can achieve different effects with neutral colors. These are found in the palette of beige or pastel shades: green, blue, sand, bamboo; all in light tones. These usually have a calming effect and are perfect for creating harmonious environments. Vibrant color palettes are perfect for adding a subtle touch of elegance or to be the focal point of the office and can help increase creativity. They are perfect because they stimulate the production of adrenaline in your body. For that reason, they are recommended to promote people’s energy, and thus, their productivity.

Decorate Your Office

There are studies that show how to make your office space more productive by having plants in the workplace. Having plants nearby helps to recover from demanding activities and reduce stress levels. If what you like in nature, don’t hesitate to put some plants. In this way, when you go to work, you will feel in a familiar and comfortable environment, appropriate to your characteristics and your mind will be much more relaxed and capable of developing the work you have to do. In addition, try to install one of the best commercial interior doors so that it not only keeps out the noise but adds a decorative touch to your office. The space around you sets your mood, and the mood sets productivity. Therefore, you should try to decorate your office according to your tastes and interests. Install a personal safety shield so that you can keep intruders out during office hours. These intruders could be family members. Unless there is an emergency, you need time to concentrate.

The Acoustics

It’s a fundamental element to execute a good design of your workspace. It’s not pleasant to work with constant noises that lower our ability to concentrate. It has been found that constant low-frequency background noise hampers learning, causes fatigue, and increases stress hormones. If you feel overworked and fatigue sets in, why not take an hour away and go to one of the performing arts classes in town to change your mood and mindset. You will feel better afterward and have a new method of how to make your office space more productive.

Consider having an inspiration area in your office, especially if you work for a dentist and you are trying to compile marketing strategies for orthodontics. This is a point on which many may differ; however, it’s important because, in many jobs and companies, it’s increasingly common that there must be an environment that promotes creativity. For example, if you are one of those people who need to be completely silent, consider making a noise-proof space in your office. The implementation of an inspiration area doesn’t have to be very expensive or take up a lot of space. It just takes a little creativity and to see the distribution of the space you have.

Working and hearing traffic go by or people walking in the aisles can be annoying and doesn’t really help many workers focus. There may be times when you need to be more connected to the world, but in those cases, you just have to open the door or windows and have more contact with what is outside. However, it’s preferable to adapt your space so that it doesn’t have annoying noises than to have them without wanting them.

The Ergonomics

There is nothing that reduces productivity more than an uncomfortable chair. In your workspace, your comfort must be a priority so you can concentrate on doing your work and not get up all the time due to back pain or discomfort. This doesn’t mean that you spend eight hours glued to the chair, but it does mean that you don’t have to leave your work very often to go for a walk because your back hurts. Having an ergonomic chair to work at home is essential, as they have lumbar support, the possibility of having your feet at 90 ° on the floor, adjusting the backrest inclination, and adjusting your height and physical characteristics. Whether you need to work from home temporarily, having an ergonomic chair is a good idea for other circumstances where you need to answer the question of how to make your office space more productive. It’s also important to have a desk or a sturdy table, a lamp, and light connections to connect your computer or cell phone, consider putting up functional items for your workplaces like post-it’s, notebooks, and pencils.

Sitting for long periods of time causes serious health problems, so a good idea is to break the sedentary style by using higher desks and creating areas to move around. It’s very important in this regard to use suitable and comfortable furniture that helps maintain the proper posture. According to the US Agency for Occupational Safety and Health, 86% of workers experience some type of discomfort caused by office furniture. Providing comfort to mitigate joint discomfort and incorporating flexible workstations that allow changing postures throughout the day can alleviate the problem. Go to a local office furniture store to choose a chair that works for you.

Household Work

One of the great difficulties of having a home office is to separate the domestic from the work because even if you are at home, you shouldn’t be available to attend to domestic tasks, as time passes quickly and with a distraction of this type, you can lose valuable hours to get on with your tasks. If you have things wrong in your home such as plumbing issues, it’s best to call one of the plumbing contractors in your local area instead of trying to focus on fixing the problem yourself. Most of the commercial plumbers in your area will understand that you need the problem fixed as quickly as possible so you can return to what you were doing.

Exercise and Movement

In the morning or at the end of the day, prepare a series of stretches to keep your body healthy. You could also carve out some time (30 minutes or more) to go for a walk in your local community or on the treadmill. You could even go to the gun range to practice so you can get any frustrations, confusion, or anger out. During the working day, don’t sit all day. Instead, try to stay a maximum of 2 hours in the same position. It’s important to take care of your health.

You should have a home office that is comfy as much as it’s in your living room. The best answer to the question of how to make your office space more productive is to make sure that you feel organized, realized, and have a desire of staying in your office space. It’s not always pleasant to do office work, but the ambiance of the office space can certainly make it more enjoyable. Make sure you use wall murals and photos to decorate your office to give it a personal feel.

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